English Vocabulary Quiz with Explanation

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English Vocabulary Quiz with Explanation
Inspiron Technologies shares English vocabulary quiz with explanation to enrich confidence of aspirants in aptitude tests of various organizations. In this quiz, you are required to select the appropriate word which suits the requirement of given sentence. Do share your feedback of this quiz in the commet box of quiz or at aditya.inspiron@gmail.com. To join our exclusive aptitude test program, just call us at +91-9936804420. Best wishes from team Inspiron Technologies.
1. At Ration shop, there is generally _________ of products as people keep buying and the shopkeeper has to maintain the supply.
a) Amelioration
b) Attrition
c) Acclimatization
d) Alacrity
2. None believes on his ideas as there is no base and all his ideas are _______
a) Chagrin
b) Chimerical
c) Certitude
d) Carnage
3. It is important to give invitation card to ______ people else we have to put a lot of efforts to please them once they get angry.
a) Assiduous
b) Capacious
c) careen
d) cardinal
4. It takes no time for an __________ to calculate the sum as they have a great habit of it.
a) Amusing
b) Amazing
c) Actuarial
d) Arrack
5. _________ tests your sangfroid as you have to take decision wisely and try to come out of it.
a) Cataclysm
b) Astuteness
c) aroma
d) fragrance
6. One should be stoic in one’s life as ________ is not permanent. It gets spent in multiple ways.
a) Bellicosity
b) Altercation
c) Affluence
d) Ambivalence
7. We have happiness when we find ________ partner for our life.
a) Apposite
b) Chequered
c) Canvass
d) Assay
8. I don’t believe in his statements as his conversation is generally full of _______
a) Belabor
b) Behemoth
c) blandishment
d) Banal
9. I wish to be generous not ______ in my life as in relations we should be genuine.
a) Augment
b) Altruistic
c) Canny
d) Apprise
10. You must encourage your team members as _________ them leads to frustration.
a) Abasing
b) Aegis
c) bedizen
d) affected
11. One should speak clearly in order to convey one’s message to others. ________ develops interest in listeners as well.
a) Supine
b) Sangfroid
c) Salacious
d) Clairvoyance
12. Why to have surreptitious facts from our close ones as _____ things bring clarity in discussion.
a) Discord
b) Discursive
c) dubious
d) diaphanous
13. It is risky to give a responsible job to a __________ as that person lacks in sense of responsibility.
a) Ebullient
b) Vivacious
c) Voracious
d) Dilettante
14. You must appreciate the _________ of your friend as he generally takes good decisions.
a) Preposterousness
b) Perspicuity
c) perplexity
d) Perspicacity
15. A good friend counsels his friend whenever he is ________
a) Dolorous
b) Debonair
c) Demagogue
d) Denizen
16. If you utilize any resource for _________ reasons, it would be our pleasure.
a) Despair
b) Dejection
c) Dormant
d) Didactic
17. The thought process of a _________ is not fixed as he keeps loitering here and there in search of his survival.
a) Detrimental
b) Decimate
c) Diligent
d) Derelict
18. You will keep going ahead with your dedication and hard work. Your _______ will inspire others as well.
a) Effulgence
b) Rapaciousness
c) Rampage
d) Rotundity
19. A true leader keeps inspiring his team mates with his motivation even if their team mates are ___________
a) Digressive
b) Ponder
c) Ruminate
d) Allay
20. We don’t have much expectations from _______ things as they have no permanency.
a) Elocution
b) Elaboration
c) Expedition
d) Ephemeral
21. We all enjoyed _________ our home on the occasion of Diwali and our work was also appreciated by our parents.
a) Smashing
b) Bedizening
c) appraising
d) appraising
22. My father reviews my performance every month and he ______ my efforts for my improvement.
a) Allay
b) Allure
c) extol
d) assuage
23. My brother does his work sincerely and __________. Teachers also extol his performance time to time.
a) Rapaciously
b) Rancorously
c) randomly
d) vivaciously
24. Anjana comes to my home off and on but sometimes she always _______ by her scooty.
a) Rejoices
b) Commutes
c) commiserates
d) empathizes
25. I dislike such people who wish to achieve things by ______ others.
a) Blandishing
b) Bedizening
c) Banal
d) Benison
26. All friends appreciate her ________ nature as she is always there to help her friends.
a) Besmirch
b) Altruistic
c) Fastidious
d) Pompous
27. Leaders are never ________ for the welfare of their team mates as they believe in empowering others.
a) Supine
b) Samaritan
c) Sangfroid
d) Salacious
28. It is good to accompany _______ friends as you keep moralizing your character by their positive statements.
a) Dubious
b) Dreadful
c) Debonair
d) Demagogue
29. It is really challenging to abide by the instructions of a _______ as that person keeps changing his statements.
a) Cynosure
b) Chimerical
c) Censure
d) Celerity
30. Hearing her _________ opinion on this matter, they were shocked.
a) Acclimatizing
b) Arduous
c) Amusing
d) Ameliorating
Correct Answer: b) Attrition
Amelioration means improvement SUDHAAR
Attrition means gradual reduction DHEERE DHEERE KAMI HONA
Acclimatization means adjustment, adaptation DHAALNA
Alacrity means agility, cheerfulness, promptness PRAFULLTA
2. Correct Answer: b) chimerical
Chagrin means disappointment NIRASHA
Chimerical means highly imaginative KALPANATMAK
Certitude means feeling of sureness NISHCHITTA
Carnage means killing of many people NARSANGHAAR
3. Correct Answer: d) cardinal
Assiduous means hard working, diligent MEHNATI
Careen means sway from side to side MATAK MATAK KAR CHALA
Cardinal means important, chief MUKHYA
4. Correct Answer: c) Actuarial
Amuse means to entertain ANANDIT KRNA
Amaze means to surprise ASHCHARYA ME DALNA
Actuarial means good at calculation CALCULATION KRNE ME MAHIR
Arrack means a strong alcoholic drink BHAYANAK DARU
5. Correct Answer: a) Cataclysm
Cataclysm means showing sudden changes AAPDA
Astuteness means adroitness BUDDHIMAANI
Aroma means smell of food KHANE KI KHUSHBU
Fragrance means nice smell KHUSHBOO
6. Correct Answer: d) clairvoyance
Supine means reluctant, unwilling ANIKSHUK
Sangfroid means patience DHAIRYA
Salacious means immoral VYABHICHARI
Clairvoyance means keen ability to grasp things SAMAJHNE KI KSHAMTA HONA
7. Correct Answer: a) Apposite
Apposite means appropriate, fit SATEEK
Chequered means period of good and bad time UTAAR CHADAAV
Canvass means to ask for vote VOTE KE LIYE MANANA
Assay means to evaluate MULYANKAN KRNA
8. Correct Answer: c) blandishment
Belabor means to explain excessively KHOOB VARNAN KARNA
Behemoth means a huge animal EK BADA JAANVAR
Blandish means to flatter CHAAPLOOSI KARNA
Banal means dull, boring NEERAS
9. Correct Answer: c) Canny
Augment means to increase BADHAANA
Altruistic means generous PAROPKAARI
Canny means clever CHALAAK
Apprise means to inform SOOCHIT KRNA
10. Correct Answer: a) abasing
Abase means to insult BEJJATI KARNA
Aegis means protection, support SAMARTHAN
Bedizen means to decorate SAJANA
Affected means artificial NAKLI
11. Correct Answer: d) Clairvoyance
Supine means reluctant, unwilling ANICHCHUK
Sangfroid means patience DHAIRYA
Salacious means sexually excited KAAMI
Clairvoyance means keen ability to grasp things SAMAJHNE KI KSHAMTA
12. Correct Answer: d) diaphanous
Discord means disagreement ASAHMATI
Discursive means changing from one topic to another BHRAMAK
Dubious means doubtful SANSHAY UKT
Diaphanous means transparent PAARDARSHI
13. Correct Answer: d) Dilettante
Ebullient means energetic UTSAAHI
Vivacious means lively, high spirited JOSHILA
Voracious means glutton BHUKKHAD, PETU
Dilettante means the one who is not an expert NAUSIKHIYA
14. Correct Answer: d) Perspicacity
Preposterousness means absurdity, fruitless BEKAAR
Perspicuity means clarity SPASHTTA
Perplexity means confusion ASMANJAS
Perspicacity means wisdom, intellectual BUDDHIMAANI
15. Correct Answer: a) Dolorous
Dolorous means sad DUKHI
Debonair means charming SUSHIL
Demagogue means a false leader JHOOTHA NETA
Denizen means citizen NIWASI
16. Correct Answer: d) Didactic
Despair means sad, sorrowful DUKHI
Dejection means sadness DUKH
Dormant means inactive THAKA HUA
Didactic means for the purpose of teaching PADHANE KE LIYE
17. Correct Answer: d) Derelict
Detrimental means harmful HANIKARAK
Decimate means carnage NARSANGHAAR
Diligent means hardworking MEHNATI
Derelict means a person without home GHAR SE JUDA. AAWARA
18. Correct Answer: a) Effulgence
Effulgence means shining CHAMAK
Rapaciousness means greediness LALACH
Rampage means chaos BAWAAL
Rotundity means roundness GOLAI
19. Correct Answer: a) Digressive
Digressive means deviated from the main topic BHATKA HUA
Ponder means to think deeply GAHRAI SE SOCHNA
Ruminate means to think deeply, JUGALI KARNA, MANAN KARNA
Allay means to calm down SHAANT KRNA
20. Correct Answer: d) Ephemeral
Elocution means effective speech PRABHAVI VAKTAVYA
Elaboration means explanation VARNAN
Expedition means rapid action TWARIT KARYA, ABHIYAAN
Ephemeral means short living CHCHANIK
21. Correct Answer: b) Bedizening
Bedizen means to decorate SAJANA
Smash means to destroy NAASH KAR DENA
Apprise means to inform SOOCHNA DENA
Appraise means to admire PRANSHANSHA KRNA
22. Correct Answer: c) extol
Allay means to calm down SHANT KARNA
Allure means to attract AKARSHIT KARNA
Extol means to appreciate PRASHANSHA KRNA
Assuage means to reduce KAM KARNA
23. Correct Answer: d) vivaciously
Rapaciously means greedily LALACH SE
Rancorously means angrily GUSSE SE, KATU BHAVNA SE
Randomly means not in order BINA KRAM KE
Vivaciously means spirit fully JOSH SE
24. Correct Answer: b) commutes
Rejoice means to enjoy MAZE LENA
Commute means to come ANA
Commiserate means to sympathize DAYA DIKHANA
Empathize means to console someone SAHAUNUBHOOTI DIKHANA
25. Correct Answer: a) Blandish
Blandish means to flatter CHAAPLOOSI KRNA
Bedizen means to decorate SAJANA
Banal means boring DULL
Benison means blessings AASHIRVAAD
26. Correct Answer: b) Altruistic
Besmirch means to spoil other’s reputation KHARAB KARNA
Altruistic means kind hearted DAYALU
Fastidious means showing sudden changes SANKI
Pompous means showy PANDITAU, DIKHAU
27. Correct Answer: a) supine
Supine means reluctant, unwilling ANICHCHUK
Samaritan means those who are ready to help others
Sangfroid means patience DHAIRYA
Salacious means sexually excited VYABHICHARI
28. Correct Answer: c) Debonair
Dubious means doubtful SANDIGDH
Dreadful means horrible BHAYANAK
Debonair means charming SUSHIL
Demagogue means false leader JHOOTHA NETA
29. Correct Answer: b) chimerical
Cynosure means center of attraction AKARSHAN KA KENDRA
Chimerical means highly imaginative KALPANATMAK
Censure means to condemn as wrong NINDA KARNA
Celerity means speedily TEZI
30. Correct Answer: b) Arduous
Acclimatize means to adjust DHAALNA
Arduous means tough HARD
Amuse means to entertain AANANDIT KARNA
Ameliorate means to improve SUDHARNA
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