30-July 2024

Solid Principles Python



The SOLID principles can also be applied to Python to improve the design and maintainability of your code. Here's a breakdown of each principle with examples in Python:

1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Definition: A class sh...

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30-July 2024

Solid Principles PHP



The SOLID principles can also be applied to PHP to improve the design and maintainability of your code. Here's a breakdown of each principle with examples in PHP:

1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Definition: A class should h...

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30-July 2024

Solid Principles Java



SOLID Principles Java with Explanation

SOLID principles are a set of design principles in object-oriented programming that help developers create more understandable, flexible, and maintainable software. They were introduced by Robert C. Martin and...

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12-July 2024

Spring Boot Framework Objective Questions with Explanation



Spring Boot Framework Interview Questions with Explanation

Question 1

What is the main purpose of Spring Boot?

A. To provide a flexible and robust framework for building enterprise applications


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23-April 2024

Advance Java Syllabus with Explanation



Advanced Java typically covers more advanced topics beyond the basics of Core Java. Here's a syllabus along with explanations for each topic:

  1. Servlets and JSP (JavaServer Pages):


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