How to speak English fluently
![How to speak English fluently](../DF/Admin/pages/PDD/how to become fluent in English Communication.png)
10 Golden Rules to speak English Fluently and Confidently
It is often a passion to opt a good command on English with fluency. Speaking in English normally is quite common but speaking with a marvelous flow is really the demand among many English learners. Often they ask for the steps to be fluent in English. Although there are some misconceptions regarding it so they should clarify the meaning of fluency first. The following parameters make our English language really impressive.
Passionate Delivery of Ideas
Effective Eye Contact with the audience
Formal Dress Senses and appealing body language.
Good command over sentence formation
Quick responsiveness
Natural facial expressions
Catchy pronunciation
Neutral Accent
Easily understandable Vocabulary
Idiomatic expressions to make language more interesting.
Necessary pauses to have proper connectivity with the audience.
No repetitive statements like “after that, you know, I mean etc.”
No haphazardness in delivering one’s ideas.
Cool and calm approach to convince our points
Voice clarity to convey each word clearly.
Loud voice to make a confident speech
Quick thought process to come with up with the planned content
Creating sense of humor and maintaining the objective of the topic on prime focus.
Ability to conclude the topic as per plan.
Now to obtain all the above parameters in one’s English Communication one needs a good practice of punctuation. Those who follow punctuation well in their speaking, they have all the parameters in their way of speaking. We may have examples of many dignitaries who convey their opinion in fluent manner and they are not so fast also. Speaking with fast rate of speech might make our audience confused with our message. Normal and natural rate of speech makes the audience tuned with the speaker.
Fluency means speaking our sentences with flow and confidence in order to convince someone. You have to be motivated to motivate others. Follow punctuation marks, avoid unnecessary pauses, speak spirit fully and convey your message naturally.
1. Take basic topics to gain fluency so that projection is impactful.
Daily routine
About my city
About my best friend
My favorite movie
2. Be more with action rather than planning.
3. Develop routine to communicate thoroughly and formally in English.
4. Think in English and track those sentences which you are not able to make.
5. Speak as if you have an important message to share.
6. One must have passion to convey the message in the required language as if that message can’t be conveyed in other language.
7. Have more and more practice sessions to avoid hesitation and difficulties in expression.
8. Never have repentance. Always be thankful to God for all those things which have been blessed with.
9. Learning a language is not short term program. It needs continual efforts so one should have patience while pursuing this art of speaking.
10. Synchronization in ideas is very important to deliver the content as a whole.
Meaning of the topic
Positive aspects of that topic
Negative aspects of that topic
Present scenario
Your opinion
We hope that you must have found this exercise quite useful. If you wish to improve your English in spoken, written, reading level, feel free to contact us at +91-9936804420 or email us at
Happy Learning
Team Inspiron Technologies
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