07-March 2023

PHP Laravel Framework Interview Questions

PHP Laravel Framework Interview Questions


Most Important Interview Questions of PHP Laravel Framework

1. What is Laravel?

Answer: Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework.

Explanation: Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework. It is designed to make it easier to build web applications by providing a range of features and tools that simplify common tasks, such as authentication, routing, and database interactions.


2. What is Laravel's Artisan?

Answer: Artisan is Laravel's command-line interface (CLI) tool.

Explanation: Artisan is Laravel's command-line interface (CLI) tool. It provides a range of commands for common tasks, such as generating boilerplate code, managing database migrations, and interacting with the application's environment.


3. What is the default database used by Laravel?

Answer: The default database used by Laravel is MySQL.

Explanation: The default database used by Laravel is MySQL. However, Laravel also supports a range of other databases, including PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server.


4. What is Laravel's Blade template engine?

Answer: Blade is Laravel's templating engine.

Explanation: Blade is Laravel's templating engine. It provides a simple, yet powerful syntax for creating templates that can be reused across an application.


5. What is Laravel's Eloquent ORM?

Answer: Eloquent is Laravel's object-relational mapping (ORM) system.

Explanation: Eloquent is Laravel's object-relational mapping (ORM) system. It provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with databases, allowing developers to work with database tables as if they were objects.


6. What is Laravel's middleware?

Answer: Middleware is a layer between a request and a response that can perform a range of actions, such as authentication and validation.

Explanation: Middleware is a layer between a request and a response that can perform a range of actions, such as authentication and validation. Laravel provides a range of middleware that can be used to add functionality to an application's request and response flow.


7. What is Laravel's facades?

Answer: Facades provide a simple way to access Laravel's core functionality without having to reference it directly.

Explanation: Facades provide a simple way to access Laravel's core functionality without having to reference it directly. They provide a static interface to underlying classes, making it easier to access functionality across an application.


8. What is Laravel's routing system?

Answer: Laravel's routing system provides a way to map URLs to controllers and actions.

Explanation: Laravel's routing system provides a way to map URLs to controllers and actions. It allows developers to define routes that match specific URLs, and then execute code when a user navigates to that URL.


9. What is Laravel's event system?

Answer: Laravel's event system provides a way to manage application events and their associated listeners.

Explanation: Laravel's event system provides a way to manage application events and their associated listeners. It allows developers to define custom events and associated listeners, which can be used to perform a range of actions, such as sending notifications and updating the database.


10. What is Laravel's validation system?

Answer: Laravel's validation system provides a way to validate user input before it is processed by the application.

Explanation: Laravel's validation system provides a way to validate user input before it is processed by the application. It allows developers to define custom validation rules and messages, and provides a range of built-in rules for common validation scenarios, such as checking for required fields and valid email addresses.



11. What is the latest version of Laravel as of 2021?

Answer: The latest version of Laravel as of 2021 is 8.x.

Explanation: Laravel 8.x was released on September 8, 2020. It introduced a range of new features and improvements, such as enhanced routing, better maintenance mode support, and support for model factories in namespaces.


12. What is Laravel's service container?

Answer: Laravel's service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and resolving them automatically.

Explanation: Laravel's service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and resolving them automatically. It allows developers to define classes and their dependencies, and then automatically resolves those dependencies when the class is instantiated.


13. What is Laravel's IoC container?

Answer: Laravel's Inversion of Control (IoC) container is a way to manage and resolve class dependencies.

Explanation: Laravel's Inversion of Control (IoC) container is a way to manage and resolve class dependencies. It allows developers to specify the dependencies of a class in a separate configuration file, making it easier to swap out dependencies and maintain loose coupling.


14.What is the purpose of Laravel's migrations?

Answer: Laravel's migrations provide a way to manage database schema changes.

Explanation: Laravel's migrations provide a way to manage database schema changes. They allow developers to define database tables and their columns using code, and then apply those changes to the database automatically.


15. What is Laravel's HTTP testing?

Answer: Laravel's HTTP testing allows developers to test their application's HTTP responses using a fluent, expressive syntax.

Explanation: Laravel's HTTP testing allows developers to test their application's HTTP responses using a fluent, expressive syntax. It provides a range of helpers and assertions for testing HTTP status codes, response headers, and response content.


16. What is the purpose of Laravel's query builder?

Answer: Laravel's query builder provides a simple and intuitive way to build database queries using PHP code.

Explanation: Laravel's query builder provides a simple and intuitive way to build database queries using PHP code. It allows developers to define queries using a fluent, chainable syntax, and provides a range of helpers and functions for common database operations.


17. What is Laravel's console kernel?

Answer: Laravel's console kernel provides a way to register and execute console commands.

Explanation: Laravel's console kernel provides a way to register and execute console commands. It allows developers to define custom console commands and specify their parameters, making it easier to automate common tasks.


18. What is Laravel's model binding?

Answer: Laravel's model binding provides a way to automatically inject model instances into controller methods.

Explanation: Laravel's model binding provides a way to automatically inject model instances into controller methods. It allows developers to define model instances as controller method parameters, and then automatically resolves those instances when the method is executed.


19. What is Laravel's notification system?

Answer: Laravel's notification system provides a way to send notifications to users via various channels, such as email, SMS, and push notifications.

Explanation: Laravel's notification system provides a way to send notifications to users via various channels, such as email, SMS, and push notifications. It allows developers to define custom notification classes and specify the channels through which those notifications should be delivered.


20. What is Laravel's job queue?

Answer: Laravel's job queue provides a way to offload time-consuming tasks to a queue, which can be processed asynchronously in the background.

Explanation: Laravel's job queue provides a way to offload time-consuming tasks to a queue, which can be processed asynchronously in the background. It allows developers to define custom job classes and specify the queue on which those jobs should be processed. This can improve application


We hope that you must have found this exercise quite useful. If you wish to join Core PHP, Laravel Framework, Core Java, Advance Java, Spring Boot Framework, Struts Framework training, feel free to contact us at +91-9936804420 or email us at aditya.inspiron@gmail.com. 

Happy Learning 

Team Inspiron Technologies 


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