20-February 2023

Top PHP Interview Questions 2023

Top PHP Interview Questions 2023


PHP Interview Questions for Company Placement and Written Exams 

Here are some sample PHP objective questions that could be used in interviews or written tests for different companies:

  1. What is PHP and what is it used for?

  2. What are the differences between include() and require() in PHP?

  3. What is the difference between GET and POST methods in PHP?

  4. What are the different types of errors that can occur in PHP?

  5. What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

  6. What is the difference between PHP and JavaScript?

  7. What is the use of the function str_replace() in PHP?

  8. How can you prevent SQL injection in PHP?

  9. What is the use of the function var_dump() in PHP?

  10. What is the difference between == and === in PHP?

These questions cover a range of topics related to PHP, including its definition, basic syntax, functions, and security measures. These types of questions can help assess a candidate's knowledge and experience with PHP, and can be tailored to fit the needs of different companies and job roles.


  1. What is the difference between procedural and object-oriented programming in PHP?

  2. What is the use of the isset() function in PHP?

  3. What are the different types of loops available in PHP?

  4. What is the use of the function array_push() in PHP?

  5. How can you connect to a MySQL database using PHP?

  6. What is the use of the function htmlentities() in PHP?

  7. What is the use of the function file_get_contents() in PHP?

  8. How can you handle file uploads in PHP?

  9. What is the use of the function session_start() in PHP?

  10. What is the use of the function count() in PHP?

These questions cover additional topics related to PHP, including programming paradigms, control structures, built-in functions, and handling of data. They can help assess a candidate's expertise in various aspects of PHP development, and can be adjusted to suit the specific requirements of different companies and job roles.


  1. What is the difference between a superglobal and a global variable in PHP?

  2. What is the use of the function sprintf() in PHP?

  3. What is the use of the function filter_var() in PHP?

  4. What is the difference between strpos() and stripos() in PHP?

  5. What is the use of the function date() in PHP?

  6. What is the use of the function explode() in PHP?

  7. What is the use of the function rand() in PHP?

  8. How can you send email using PHP?

  9. What is the use of the function substr() in PHP?

  10. What is the use of the function json_encode() in PHP?

These questions cover additional topics related to PHP, including handling of variables, built-in functions, and handling of data in different formats. They can help assess a candidate's proficiency in various aspects of PHP development, and can be customized to fit the specific needs and requirements of different companies and job roles.


  1. What is the use of the function setcookie() in PHP?

  2. What is the use of the function array_diff() in PHP?

  3. What is the use of the function array_map() in PHP?

  4. What is the use of the function file_put_contents() in PHP?

  5. What is the use of the function implode() in PHP?

  6. What is the use of the function array_key_exists() in PHP?

  7. What is the use of the function gzcompress() in PHP?

  8. What is the use of the function preg_match() in PHP?

  9. What is the use of the function strcasecmp() in PHP?

  10. What is the use of the function in_array() in PHP?

These questions cover additional topics related to PHP, including manipulation of arrays, compression of data, and working with cookies. They can help assess a candidate's knowledge and skills in various aspects of PHP development, and can be adapted to match the specific needs and requirements of different companies and job roles.


  1. What is the use of the function array_reverse() in PHP?

  2. What is the use of the function array_merge() in PHP?

  3. What is the use of the function array_slice() in PHP?

  4. What is the difference between public, private, and protected access modifiers in PHP classes?

  5. What is the use of the function file_exists() in PHP?

  6. What is the use of the function imagecreatefromjpeg() in PHP?

  7. What is the use of the function curl_init() in PHP?

  8. What is the use of the function gettype() in PHP?

  9. What is the use of the function shuffle() in PHP?

  10. What is the use of the function time() in PHP?

These questions cover additional topics related to PHP, including working with arrays, object-oriented programming in PHP, file handling, and web-based applications. They can help evaluate a candidate's knowledge and proficiency in various aspects of PHP development, and can be customized to align with the specific requirements and job roles of different companies.

Do contact us if you wish to get training on PHP, JAVA, ASP.NET, PYTHON, AI, MACHINE LEARNING, SQL, ORACLE etc. at 91-9936804420. 

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