Spotting Errors Exercise with Correct Answers and Explanation
Most Important concepts of Grammar- Spotting Errors Exercise with Explanation
Direction: Find out the error in the given sentences if any.
Mr. Varun is expert in concocting a story (a)/ and he is senior than me (b) in this artistic field. (c)/ No Error (d)
Dexterous people are known for their skills (a)/ and it is noticeable that how skillful they work (b)/ in their assignments. (c)/ No Error (d)
I was astonished when I saw (a)/ that cattles were grazing (b)/ in my field fearlessly. (c)/ No Error (d)
My father gave me an advice (a)/ which I followed (b)/ in my exams perseveringly. (c)/ No Error (d)
I did not speak to my father (a)/ much that day as (b)/ he appeared some angry. (c)/ No Error (d)
My father is enough kind (a)/ in such activities and (b)/ this motivates me as well. (c)/ No Error (d)
I told him the story (a)/ in details for his better clairvoyance (b)/ in the matter. (c)/ No Error (d)
Write each sentence well (a)/ lest you should not be able (b)/ to comprehend the concept. (c)/ No Error (d)
1. Correct Answer: b)
Explanation: the words ending with ‘ior’ require preposition ‘to’ after them not ‘than’ for example senior, junior, inferior, superior, exterior, interior, prior, prefer, preferable.
Concoct (v)- to prepare some content RACHNA KRNA.
2. Correct Answer: b)
Explanation: there is a requirement of an adverb not an adjective.
Use ‘skillfully’ in place of ‘skillful’
Dexterous (ADJ)- Skillful KUSHAL
I am polite.
I talk politely.
I am sincere.
I work sincerely.
I am honest.
I work honestly.
I am dedicated.
I work dedicatedly.
3. Correct Answer: b)
Use ‘cattle’ in place of ‘cattles’ as cattle is already plural. People, children, police, furniture, hair
astonished – surprised
4. Correct Answer: a)
Explanation: neither singular is there nor its plural is there.
An advice (X)
Many advices (X)
An information (X)
Many informations (X)
A work (X)
Many works (X)
A piece of information
Many pieces of information
Some information
Much information
A lot of information
A piece of advice.
Some advice
Many pieces of advice.
A lot of advice
Much advice.
A piece of work
Some work
Many pieces of work
A lot of work
Much work
Perseverance- (N)- LAGAN
Perseverant- (ADJ)- LAGANSHEEL
Perseveringly- (ADV)- LAGAN SE
5. Correct Answer: c)
Explanation: Use ‘somewhat’ in place of ‘some’. Some is adjective whereas somewhat is an adverb.
He has some anger. (Correct)
He is somewhat angry. (Correct)
I write beautifully. (ADV)
His handwriting is very beautiful. (ADV)
She writes very beautifully. (ADV)
Adverbs = add + verb, add + adjective, add + adverb
This topic is quite interesting.
His story is pretty catchy.
His song is so amusing.
6. Correct Answer: a)
Explanation: enough is both an adjective as well as an adverb.
Enough as an ADJ
Enough as an ADV
Enough kindness
Kind enough
Enough money
Rich enough
Enough patience
Passionate enough
Enough politeness
Polite enough
Enough practice
Diligent enough
Quite educated, pretty cynosure, very voluptuous, so cherubic, somewhat debonair
7. Correct Answer: b)
Idiomatic expressions shouldn’t be changed. ‘make a noise’, ‘in danger’, ‘in confusion’, ‘in trouble’, ‘in debt’
clairvoyance- keen ability to grasp the things
Memory Link: If the speaker has clear voice, the audience will automatically have clairvoyance.
8. Correct Answer: b)
Explanation: comprehend- to understand
Lest- KAHI AISA NA HO JAYE [suggestions + warning]
Don’t look back lest you should be distracted.
Write sentences fast lest the batter should be exhausted.
Put the laptop on charging lest it should shut down.
Listen to your teacher carefully lest you should be scolded.
Follow your mother lest she should beat you.
Learn grammar practically lest you should be bored.
Revise the whole syllabus before the exam lest you should the questions out of syllabus.
Do homework of each day lest you should be left behind.
Behave nicely with your friends lest they should betray you.
Do attend the Sunday class lest you should miss your syllabus.
Do drop in my home lest I should stop identifying you.
Submit your holiday homework on time lest I should talk to your parents.
Have your breakfast fast lest you should miss your bus.
Don’t disparage your seniors lest they should vituperate you.
If you know the difference in lest and other wise, please comment in the comment box of this article.
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